Accessibility & Inclusion

With the help of our partners and community members, County Parks strives to create welcoming, equitable and inclusive public programs and spaces where everyone is welcome.


Access & County Parks

Recreation & Cultural Programs

County Parks strives to make our programs accessible to all individuals and will make reasonable accommodations to ensure accessibility to individuals needing such assistance. If you have accessibility requests or concerns and would like more information and support, please contact us.

County Parks & Facilities

We welcome everyone in our County Parks and Facilities. Our goal is to increase access for those who have not been included historically, as well as update our parks and facilities to create more accessible spaces for all. Every milestone we reach is a step closer to a more inclusive Santa Cruz County.

The Story Behind the First Inclusive Playground
in Santa Cruz County

LEO's Haven

LEO’s Haven Inclusive Playground at Chanticleer County Park was created through a private-public effort to bring the first inclusive playground for children of all abilities to Santa Cruz County. Tricia Wiltshire Potts of The Santa Cruz Playground Project and Mariah Roberts of Chanticleer Park Neighbors/Vecinos partnered with Inclusion Matters (previously Shane's Inspiration) and County Parks to raise two million dollars of private investment, the largest private gift ever given to the County of Santa Cruz!

"L.E.O." is an acronym of the first initials of Tricia's three children and "Haven" represents the Chanticleer Park neighborhood's embrace of creating a place where everyone belongs and can play together. LEO's Haven opened to the public in January 2020!

Find Out More

Accessibility at County Parks Video Series

Our parks offer safe, healthy options to support mental and physical health.
Community Leader Brenda Gutierrez Baeza has reviewed accessibility at County Parks to help capture all our parks have to offer!
Watch them here or on the Santa Cruz County Parks Youtube Channel.

Virtual Recreation Center

County Parks' Virtual Recreation Center has a library of resources including pre-recorded fitness and wellness classes, educational websites, virtual field trips, reading recommendations and more!

Contact Us


(831) 454-7901 (General)

Monday – Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, except holidays

Our physical office is open, but staff availability is limited.